I would like to praise our God, Almighty Father, without whom I would not be where I am now. By His grace and blessing, I stood there proudly on my graduation day- something I have never imagined would happen in my life. In all the years of my studies, I have experienced many trials, including persecutions from other people. It is not easy to be a student in a Bible School studying the Bible. People asked me – of what use is this degree? Can it help me find a job later on? Will this line of work be enough to provide for my and my family’s needs ? On the other hand, there is so much expectation from people. People ask- what right have I got over others teaching about the Bible? Am I better than they are? Do I have the moral ascendancy to preach to others about the Bible later on? And many similar questions.
Day after day, week after week, many trials confronted me, not to mention the financial difficulty of my family. Tatay had no job and my mother had to struggle to make ends meet. There are—of us sibling competing for the meager family income that is not even enough to buy our basic needs. But I continued my studies , confident that God would be with me every step of the way. During moments when I was about to give up because of the extreme difficulties and pressure , God would revive me with fresh courage and strength. God gave me wisdom to see the end of the tunnel and never be defeated by what I encounter along the way.
I also thank the Faith Family Foundation which helped me along the way, providing not only financial resources to fund my studies but also creating an atmosphere to build my character and prepare me for the responsibility ahead after graduation. Their help and those of other supporters gave me inspiration to strive and do my best in my studies- finishing cum laude – beyond my wildest dreams! I glorify God for this honor and return to Him all praise I received. To the supporters of the Faith Family Foundation- I do not know who youa re but God will reward you for helping me.
I know that more responsibilities and expectations await me in the future. But having experienced the grace of God in whatever circumstance in my life, I am confident that I will succeed in realizing God’s plan for me. In the end, what I chose to study will be used to glorify God and do His will in my life.
May this short testimony of mine serve as motivation to other scholars to do their best as well and just continue trusting God with everything. turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding . Proverbs 2:2